
搜狐焦点宿迁站 2019-04-17 09:29:42


丹麦建筑公司Lendager Group和Tredje Natur将CPH公共住房设计成哥本哈根restad城区的新住宅和商业建筑。这座高层建筑采用回收的瓷砖和混凝土,镶板由改造再生的窗框和木地板制成。 总而言之,设计团队估计该项目将使用17577吨可回收的废弃物。该项目旨在成为“世界上排名前列座改造再

丹麦建筑公司Lendager Group和Tredje Natur将CPH公共住房设计成哥本哈根restad城区的新住宅和商业建筑。这座高层建筑采用回收的瓷砖和混凝土,镶板由改造再生的窗框和木地板制成。


Danish architecture firms Lendager Group and TREDJE NATUR designed the CPH Common House to be a new residential and commercial building in the ?restad area of Copenhagen. The high-rise would feature recycled tiles and concrete with brick fractures, paneling constructed from recycled window frames and reclaimed wood flooring. In total, the design team estimates the Common House would make use of 17,577 tons of recycled waste material. The project was designed to be “the world’s first upcycled high rise” for its use of upcycled post-consumer material.


The focus on environmental considerations extends from material choices to the form of the building itself, which combines courtyard and high-rise building elements by gradually splitting the 75-meter corner tower into a pair of terraced wings that create both a central courtyard and abundant outdoor balcony and roof space for residents.

该项目的设计专为SOLSTRA开发和Bellakvarter A / S而设计,扩展了Lendager Group之前Upcycle House项目的概念,Upcycle House使用两个集装箱作为四居室房屋的结构构件,还包含回收木材制成的天花饰面,浴室软木瓷砖及由再生砂纸制成的立面面板。

Designed for SOLSTRA Development and Bellakvarter A/S, the design for CPH Common House expands on concepts that the Lendager Group previously explored in their experimental Upcycle House, which used two shipping containers as structural elements for a four-bedroom house that also incorporated particle board finish pieces made from recycled lumber, recycled champagne cork bathroom tiles and facade panels derived from recycled granulated paper.


Along with the environmental benefits of using repurposed and recycled material, the design philosophy behind the project is also intended to connect the new building to the context and character of its surroundings.

TREDJE NATUR的合作伙伴OleSchr?der表示,对CPH公共住房而言,可以很容易地建立高密度的建筑,而也不会失去与历史,环境和人性尺度的联系。该项目建立在对场地、资源和小气候的深刻理解的基础上 - 这为哥本哈根的可持续高层建筑建立了一个基准标杆。

With CPH Common House, we want to show that you can easily build high and densely without losing theconnectiontohistory,contextandthehumanscale,saidOleSchrder, partner at TREDJE NATUR, the project is based on a strong understanding of the site, resources and the microclimate – which creates an empathetic benchmark for sustainable high-rise buildings in Copenhagen.


建筑师:Lendager Group和Tredje Natur


